There are a number of ways you can support the Masjid :
1. Online
Visit and make your donation securely using PayPal. Just click on the 'Donate' button

2. Pay by Credit Card or Debit Card
Q. I don't have a PayPal account and don't want to create one, can I just pay with my credit/ debit card?
A. YES, PayPal also processes Credit / Debit Card payments that do not require you to have a Paypal account
Simply click on the 'Donate' button above. On the next screen look for the "Don't have a PayPal account?" headline. There you will see a link to using your Credit / Debit Card for secure payment.
3. Cheque, Postal Order or Bankers Draft
Please make all cheques and postal orders payable to ‘Paigham E Islam Trust' and post to
Paigham E Islam Trust Mosque
423 Stratford Road,
B11 4LB
Paigham E Islam Trust Mosque
423 Stratford Road,
B11 4LB
4. Direct Debit (Standing Order)
You can make regular monthly payments by completing a Standing Order with your bank.Use the form below:Click here to view a printable Standing Order Form.
5 Bank Transfer
Account Name: Paigham-E-Islam TrustBank :Barclays Bank
Sort Code: 20-08-98
Account No: 20663069
When you have made your transfer please call us to enure your donation is correctly allocated.